Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)







Image Information

Quoted from NASA

NGC 3718 is a highly disturbed spiral galaxy with an unusual, warped shape that looks a bit like a plump letter “s”  from Earth, with a thin thread of dark dust snaking through it. Hubble’s view of this portion of NGC 3718 shows the sinuous, twisting dust lane in detail as it sweeps by the core of the galaxy and curves into the surrounding gas. Both the galaxy’s gas and dust lane are similarly distorted into this unique configuration.

The nucleus of the galaxy is extremely hard to detect in either visible or ultraviolet light because the prominent dust lane blocks much of those wavelengths, but it can be seen when viewing infrared light, which passes through dusty regions. NGC 3718, also called Arp 214, is thought to get its unusual shape from gravitational interaction with nearby galaxy NGC 3729, another spiral galaxy located approximately 150,000 light-years away. Among the features likely caused by this interaction are the line of reddish star formation that extends toward the 9 o’clock position, and the dark tendril of dust that reaches toward the 7 o’clock position.







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This is data taken early last year. The image was processed in PixInsight and enhnaced with the new BlurXTerminator by Russell Croman.

Equipment and Location Information

Date January 1 - November 2022
Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
Optics Optical Guidance Systems 12.5" RC @f/9
Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
Camera SBIG STL-11000M/FW10
Filters Baader LRGB 50.8mm/Baader Ha,SII, OIII 50.8mm Filters
Conditions Transparency good to moderate.

  Last Modified :10/02/12 01:10 PM